Kasimir Malevich: Black Circle
Kasimir Malevich
Black Circle
Oil on canvas
105.5 x 105.5 cm.
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
I emulated the "Black Circle" painting using CSS. There are no
graphics elements in my emulation. You can check this by
looking at the source code.
This example significantly relies
on the assumption that you have the "Arial Unicode MS" font
installed on your computer, otherwise you will see wrong
picture. Don't bother to
install the "Arial Unicode MS" —
it will allow you to see all multilingual web pages,
and this example too.
Copyright notice:
I reserve all rights for my examples of the power of CSS,
and for the corresponding source code.
You can study the source code for your education, but you are not
allowed to distribute it in any form without my written permission.
You can provide a link to my web page if you like it,
but you are not allowed to place a copy at your web page.