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Fractional calculus



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My music:
I compose music for guitar since 1978, for my own entertainment. You can listen to several selected pieces, which I restored from my old amateur tape recordings and converted to MP3.
My web gallery “Art with CSS”:
The cascading style sheets (CSS) allow merging the technology and the art of the modern web typography. To illustrate this I created several examples where CSS technology is used for producing or emulating artistic effects, and for demonstrating some possibilities of the web typography.
My digital photo gallery:
It is very easy to make photographs with a modern digital camera and to share unusual observations with other people. Take a look.
Op-art Gallery: works by school pupils
Wonderful drawings by 15-year-old pupils of 8th class of Laco Novomesky school in Kosice (June 2004). Teacher: Corbova, M.A. With the kind permission of Mrs M. Corbova, the teacher of art, and the school Headmaster, I digitized the pupils' drawings to make them available to all people who may enjoy them.